I could not let #WorldAdoptionDay go by without sharing our support and our story (I promise it will be a condensed version)
I will admit that Adoption was always in my plans, but not Fostering. As with many others, I too, couldn’t fathom the thought of loving a child so fiercely and then having to let them go. There was no way I was going to put myself through that intentionally. But, that was not God’s Plan.
Our journey to adoption began 10yrs ago. At that time, we had 5 biological children of our own, and it really didn’t make sense to start again, atleast not to everyone around us. Once we made the decision to move forward with the adoption plan, we hit several road blocks. Those road blocks made me question if I had heard God correctly. But, once I let go of my plan, God opened the door of my heart and in danced a teeny tiny little boy, who immediately stole my heart. I just knew that this was my reward for waiting on God. But, soon after that little boy came into our lives, more road blocks came our way. And instead of the Adoption I had planned, Guardianship is what we got.
A few years later, the desire to adopt didn’t leave, and so, we decided to give it another try. This time, it felt like smooth sailing compared to the first time. Except that as we neared the matching process, God threw us another curve ball. Fostering was NEVER part of my plan. But it was a part of God’s! So, we moved forward and despite my protests, fostering was where we were supposed to be.
In 2014, we got a call that would really grow and stretch us as foster parents. The case, at first, seemed cut and dry. But, we sooner learned, that what should have been over and done with quickly, and a simple adoption, would actual turn into 22mos of loving, advocating, and fighting for the safety, stability and well-being of our little girl, only for it to end with her actually going home with her first parents. And yet, what we thought was the end, God knew it was not, and 6mos later, she returned home. Not quite the same as when she left, but atleast safe.
All while that fight was going on, a baby boy had joined our family. He had a rough start, and it didn’t take long before he was in the fight of his life with the first of 3 surgeries. He also needed us to love, advocate and fight for his safety, stability and well-being.
After joining our family in October 2015, Little Mister’s adoption was finalized in May 2018. Little Miss joined our family in December 2014, left us in September 2016, and returned to us in March 2017. Her adoption was finalized August 2019.
Two Sisters joined our family in October 2016. Just like the first two, their start has been rough. What we thought to be the plan, turned out to not be the plan. We were stretched and pulled a lot through our time with them. Adding two more to the mix was overwhelming at times, yet absolutely amazing as well. I have fought more with God about His plan for these two than I did with any of the others. Yet, on the same hand, I can’t wait to make it official and call them our own.
As this World Adoption Day comes to a close, I am so thankful to be their Mommy. But, I would be remiss If I didn’t also bring awareness to the loss that had to incur, in order for these Littles to become a part of our family. Trauma and Loss will always be a part of their story, and it will take a lifetime of healthy loving and work to help them heal. They each have First Families who love them with all that they have, even if they couldn’t remain as the primary caregivers. I am thankful to also have met them and they have impacted our lives in so many ways. We pray for them often, and know that God can still bring redemption to their stories, just in the way He has to their children.
Adoption has touched our lives! We are thankful, grateful and blessed. If you are curious about adoption, or even foster care, I would be happy to chat!